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Episode 575 – Starting the Season Right

This week TJ and Sam discuss how to start the season off right by knowing what you need out of your first practices, how to evaluate your first games, and setting up your team for success not just at the start, but throughout the season.



Show Notes:
• General Thoughts on how to prepare your team for the first game of the season
• First week of practice
• Identifying the goal
• How can you stack things
• Balance Offense and Defense
• Creating standards of practice
• Attitude and effort
• Capturing the vision of who you want to be as a team
• Cover your butt coaching
• Player Development
• Handling adversity
• Leadership
• Holes in the ceiling
• Working in 3s
• Getting the foundation right
• Learning and improving season to season


The Read & React Offense

Become un-scoutable, create high-percentage shots, and gain a competitive edge. When mastered, the Read & React will likely score your team 10-15 more points per game.

If that sounds interesting to you, enter your information then click the button below to watch it now…

In 35 Minutes You’ll Learn How To…

  • Teach players to play (not A BUNCH OF plays)
    Set plays eventually come to an end or break down. Not the Read & React. I’ll show you how to how to teach your players to create their own possessions without the need for you to call set plays.
  • Play your best 5 any time
    The standard set play requires a certain 5 on the floor to fill positions. Not the Read & React. I’ll show you how to put your best 5 on the floor any time. This system allows room for every type of player.
  • Get 100% accountability from your team
    Coaches are always asking, “how do I hold my team accountable?” I’ll show you how to kill the blame game and get 100% accountability out of your team.